alikeU The Social Network Of Your Common Interests, Social Media Site to Provide More Connections and Greater Privacy:

"The New Frontier In Social Networking: Unleashes The Power Of Community Networking While Working For The Greater Good Of Society. has officially opened its virtual doors to members worldwide on the iOS app & ( providing breakthrough functionality for business, educational, and personal use. is a new way to connect, create, and share. It’s integrated with other social platforms including Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram so users can instantly exchange rich media and content. Members create free online communities based around common interests, friends or business. The robust alikeU community platform gives users the ability to create member profiles, groups, discussion forums, and blogs. alikeU technology is an interconnected system where all communities created are part of a centralized network thus adding a high level of security, scalability, and functionality.

Validation of functionalities:
Login & Logging out- Users sign onto alikeU: organically trough alikeU, or either trough Facebook.

Links of Categories
Users have 3 different walls to share & exchange their information & connect with others trough similarities.
Users can explore 24 different categories, to create a community or join one or more.
Animals, Auto, Education, Entertainment, Fashion, Finance, Family/Friends, Health/Wellness, Hospitality, Martial Arts, Music, Politics, Travel, Obituaries, Parenting, Professionals, Real Estate, Spirituality, Shopping, Sports, Technology, Food, Arts, A-Other
Inside those categories communities are created or joined as Follows:

(1) Users can join a community or create their own community: -Users can upload an image
-Users can upload a video
-Users can upload a map world wide
-Users can share written information
-Users can share a link on the web

(2) Hash tags, users can go to the hashtag section and choose between the 8#has tags, (A)-LOL, (B)- TRENDS, (C)-BLING-BLING, (D)-LOVE, (E)-DANCE, (F)-NEWS,
(G)-CELEBRETIES, & (I)-SELFIE, in this section users can again have five different links to share in formation. As follows:
-Users can upload an image
-Users can upload a video
-Users can upload a map world wide
-Users can share written information
-Users can share a link on the web

(3) Main wall feed all the information will show on the main wall feed from different users as well as their own feed.

Organize alikeUs & Request, Message, & Notification, Cheers, Share & comment.
Organize alikeUs users can request a friends either trough Search, or finding them on alikeU communities, or other shared friends and request them. Trough that they can send messages. Once users are friends with others, users will get notified trough their communities or friends feeds. In this section users can organize alikeUs by click on the different color alikeU logo, to organize them into different groups of were does the friend belong or they name the colored icon logo and place them. Users can also "Cheer" the feed of their friends, or "Share" it, and "Comment".

Users can delete their community feed or images or their friends from their list. Users can leave community once they join too.

Albums- In the section of the albums users can upload images & drop into their profile album section to show among the friends and other users.

Legal & Docs
Legal & Docs, educate users about the bylaws of alikeU and its privacy.

Profile- Users can make their own profile, which is their personal home at alikeU that shows, profile pic, cover pic, & all personal information that includes educations, work status, communities, and personal wall feed. Information can always be updated.

Founders Message
Founders Message- updated articles and scripts from the creator of alikeU & the alikeU team.